Help us move the needle forward on women’s equity in the workplace. Women experience higher rates of poverty than men. Much of this can be attributed to the wealth and opportunity gaps in the workplace. Dress for Success Indianapolis gives local women the confidence, tools, and resources needed to succeed at work and in life.
We Need Volunteers for Stepping Out In Style.
Registration is open: Stepping Out in Style Volunteer Opportunities – Dress for Success Indianapolis (
2024 Workshops Are Underway. Workshop Wednesday is our professional and personal development workshop series. The free workshops are held virtually, every month. Past topics have included resume writing, personal branding, personal finance, and interview prep. Registration is required.
By the Numbers
of clothing provided was done contactless via EmpowHER kits
of women participated in two or more DFS Indianapolis programs
Of our Professional Women's Group members received a raise or promotion
Value of Volunteers Hours
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How to Write a Professional Email
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