Indianapolis lacks a robust transportation system which leaves many women without adequate transportation to and from work and the resources they need to achieve self-sufficiency. Our Mobile Services Unit aims to bust down that barrier by taking our employment styling and professional services to our partner agencies across Boone, Hamilton, Hancock, Hendricks, Marion, and Morgan counties.
How does it work?
Community partners register to host a mobile event for groups of 4 to 8 women at their location. Our team of staff and volunteers pulls together interview and new job clothing, shoes, and transports them to the hosting location. Items are then unloaded and a mobile employment center, with everything including clothing racks, full-length mirrors, and popup dressing rooms is established.
The mobile services are not limited to professional attire, but also provides job readiness services including resume assistance and interview preparation.
Register to host a Mobile Services event at your nonprofit today! A team member will contact you within 72 hours to schedule an event date and to provide registration forms and materials.
If your agency or organization would like additional information about scheduling, participating or volunteering for a Mobile event, call our Mobile Services Coordinator at