Passport to Employment (“P2E”) serves the unemployed and under-employed in the greater Indianapolis metro area for career/job search support and networking. We provide training in crucial job search skills, practical hands-on help, and encouragement.
Over the past 16 years, we have seen 2,400+ people find and flourish in new careers.
What we offer:
Forinformation on ali P2E meetings,events,and resources., see
Connect with usl
https: //www l 1nkedi
https://www.llnkedin .comkompany/oassoort·tO· emoloyment/
bttos://www facebook com/groups/97984122098
We are not a recruiting organlzation,but we do publish a weekly job board to “get the word out” to career seekers in the lndy metro communlty.You can extend your own recruiting efforts -several employers over the years know that P2E has a reputation for working with quality people.
Ways to connect with that community,as an employer:
P2 E is also not an Outplacement firm,per se. However,we do offer a significan!number of services that Outplacement firms tend to provide.